Featured Articles in International Journal of Ophthalmology Vol.11 No.3, 2018
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Featured Articles in International Journal of Ophthalmology Vol.11 No.3, 2018

Basic Research

Protective effects of a composition of Chinese herbs-Gurigumu-13 on retinal ganglion cell apoptosis in DBA/2J glaucoma mouse model

Qiu-Li Zhang, Wei Wang, Yan Jiang, Tian-Zi Zhang, Zhan-Jun Lu, Ao Jiang


The study aimed to provide experimental basis for the further application of Gu-Ri-Gu-Mu in the treatment of glaucoma. The results provided strong evidence that Gu-Ri-Gu-Mu had obvious protective effects on retinal ganglion cells in DBA/2J mice, increased the number of retinal ganglion cells and axons via inhibiting oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress.


2018,11(3):363-368   DOI10.18240/ijo.2018.03.03



miR-211 regulates the antioxidant function of lens epithelial cells affected by age-related cataracts


Bo Lu, Ian T. Christensen, Li-Wei Ma, Tao Yu, Ling-Feng Jiang, Chun-Xia Wang, Li Feng, Jin-Song Zhang, Qi-Chang Yan, Xin-Ling Wang


This study detected miR-211 expression in the anterior lens capsules of healthy people, the anterior lens capsules of patients with age-related cataracts, and human epithelial cell line (SRA01/04) cells exposed to oxidative stress. The result showed that miR-211 is upregulated in the anterior lens capsules of age-related cataract patients. miR-211 decreased the antioxidative stress capacity of lens epithelial cells by upregulating p53 and Bax, while inhibiting cell proliferation and repair. This finding suggests that miR-211 may play a key role in the development of age-related cataracts.

2018,11(3):349-353   DOI10.18240/ijo.2018.03.01



Clinical Research

Low concentration of sodium hyaluronate temporarily elevates the tear film lipid layer thickness in dry eye patients with lipid deficiency


Yan Li, Xuan Sang, Liu Yang, Xiao-Ran Wang, Jia-Hui Liu, Xiong-Jun He, Ying Liu, Xiao-He Lu, Zhi-Chong Wang


This paper investigates the effects of different concentrations of artificial tears on lipid layer thickness (LLT) and blink rate (BR) in dry eye patients. A low concentration of artificial tears have a stronger effect than a high concentration of artificial tears on the increase in LLT. In comparison, sodium hyaluronate eye drops induce a transient and slight decrease in LLT of patients without lipid deficiency. A low concentration of artificial tears might be better for patients with lipid deficiency.

2018,11(3):389-394  DOI10.18240/ijo.2018.03.07



Cap morphology after small-incision lenticule extraction and its effects on intraocular scattering


Dan Fu, Lin Wang, Xing-Tao Zhou, Zhi-Qiang Yu


The study utilized a double-pass system to objectively assess optical quality, and FD-OCT to perform non-contact measurement of corneal caps after SMILE. And aimed to find whether a relationship exists between cap morphology and intraocular scattering. The corneal cap tends to be more accurate and regular with time lapse. Better cap morphology tends to contribute less intraocular scattering in the eyes undergoing SMILE.

2018,11(3):456-461  DOI10.18240/ijo.2018.03.16




Comparison of visual outcomes with implantation of trifocal versus bifocal intraocular lens after phacoemulsification: a Meta-analysis


Juan-Juan Yang, Qiu-Ping Liu, Jing-Ming Li, Li Qin


The authors compared the visual outcomes after implantation of trifocal IOL and bifocal/multifocal IOL by a systemic review. All the evidence were from randomized controlled clinical trials. All results indicate that trifocal IOL and bifocal IOL had similar levels of monocular distance and near visual acuities. The study would provide the preferred evidence for ophthalmologists and could also benefit patients with higher requirement of visual outcomes after cataract surgeries.

2018,11(3):484-492  DOI10.18240/ijo.2018.03.20



 For more excellent articles please visit http://www.ijo.cn/gjyken/ch/reader/issue_list.aspx?year_id=2018&quarter_id=3



Published date:2018-03-14Click:

Editors-in-Chief: Yan-Nian Hui and Peter Wiedemann

Established in April, 2008

ISSN 2222-3959 print

ISSN 2227-4898 online

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